UCSF Center for Digital Health Innovation

Revolutionizing Healthcare with AI

“Storytelling isn’t a nice-to-have when it comes to launching a new initiative. It’s essential. It helps people from all walks of life understand the ideas in a meaningful way, and rally around a vision they can share with others. More often than not, stories grounded in the nuances of humanity work better than the ones built from jargon.”
Taylor Hamilton, Principal Designer, Film Practice Lead
UCSF came to frog for a way to express their vision on how AI will transform healthcare. The resulting suite of branded content includes a short film, messaging and rich media focused on the clinician-patient relationships that will be improved by AI technology.


UCSF’s Center for Digital Health Innovation (CDHI) has pioneered the development and use of AI in healthcare with their initiative SmarterHealth. As UCSF began to grow their partnerships with tech companies and garner public support for their ground-breaking work, they came to frog for an in-depth yet accessible way to share their story.

Like many companies working with emerging technology, UCSF faced the challenge of trying to convey their ideas in a clear, exciting way without slipping into jargon or clichés. The team wanted to create something decidedly different – something that humanized the technology in a unique way.

The team spent time with top researchers, doctors and program managers to become immersed in their vision. What they found was a distinct focus on using AI technology to enhance clinicians in service of better outcomes for patients. This emphasis on the patient side of these ground-breaking tech innovations led directly to the creation of SmarterHealth’s brand value and content strategy.

One cornerstone of the content we crafted was a “future documentary” short film, which tells a real patient story that has been extrapolated into a world where the vision of AI technology has been fully realized. We also created a brand poster that encapsulates UCSF’s editorial guidelines for SmarterHealth, a tone of voice and key principles, along with supporting imagery, GIFs and infographics to flesh out the story.

Throughout the engagement we worked closely with SmarterHealth’s lead researcher and trauma surgeon, Rachel Callcut, to develop the concept user-interface design for the trauma center featured in the short film. By paring down the information displayed in this concept design and incorporating soft hues, we were able to design a more calming experience for the clinicians and patients alike.
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